day 2

Briefly, but completely answer the following questions. They follow the plotline.

What part of the Earth is being evacuated? To where?
Coastal areas are flooded and citizens are flown to higher ground and inland areas
Stanton’s famous last words “nothing is going to happen” precede what?
The beginning of the gravity effects, tidal waves, volcanic erruptions, the meteological effects and Stanton himself, who is "above everything" is shaken.
What emergency hits the rocket site?
The cataclysmic forces cause the rocket to be very unstable and they need to shore it up.
Where do Dave and Tony (the doctor) go and do?
They take a helicopter to deliver medical supplies and during the trip they discover a child and his dog on the roof of a home.
How does the child’s rescue show Dave’s and Tony’s relationship with each other?
Dave descends to help the child get to the helicopter and Tony then appears to fly away, leaving the romantic interest stranded. He comes back, however, showing that he holds no animosity.
How are the remaining 44 people chosen?
By random double drawing. Each worker draws a number and then later a second set of numbers will be drawn.
Why does Dave not go? How does anyone know he didn’t take a disk?
He does not think he has a skill that will help people live on the new world and he believes Tony is the girl's interest. The officials conducting the drawing know how many chits are available and there was not one short.
What makes Dave’s passage a fact?
The information that the pilot has a bad heart and Dave will have to go as a co-pilot to make sure the rocket does not crash. The medical information is not the truth.
Who isn’t on the list? How does that one get to go?
Julie,the fiance of a young man, Eddie, who is going, isn't. He tosses his chit for going and intends to stay. When the leaders realize Eddie's situation they determine that Julie will go. Joyce's father no doubt is planning the next question already.
How is more fuel provided for?
The head of the project forces Stanton to stay behind. The two of them reduce the weight of ship.
What do the survivors find on Zyra?
The planet seems to be very much ike earth. Atmosphere is breathable and off in the distance are pyramids.